Occupational Therapy Services


What services are provided:

  • Evaluations (school and home)

  • Screenings (school and home)

  • Consultations (school and home)

  • Individual in-person and small groups treatment sessions for skill development in the areas of fine motor, visual motor, sensory-motor, self-care, body strengthening, handwriting, executive functioning, school-based skills, and more

  • Daily life skills development for school and home based needs, meal preparation, clothing management, leisure motor skills and more


Special Programs Include:

  • Therapeutic Listening Strategies

  • Sensory Integration Programs (Zones of Regulation, Drive Through Alert Program, Wilbarger Brushing Protocol, and more)

  • Handwriting programs (Learning Without Tears and more)


Consultation/Educational Programs

  • Parent/Teacher education

  • In-service training to schools, Parent Advisory Council groups, daycare facilities, preschool, and community programs


Who would benefit from these services?

Children who present with:

  • Sensory processing disorders


  • Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • Learning Disabilities

  • Cerebral palsy, Congenital and Chromosomal Anomalies

  • Traumatic brain injuries

  • Physical Disabilities

  • Neurological injuries and delays

  • Children with fine and visual motor delays

  • Life skill delays

  • Executive Functioning delays

  • School-based skill delays

  • Play-based skill delays